Natural and Human Systems Manifest as Inter-Active Networks
Constellating Their Interdependent Relationships Radically
Reconfigures Understanding of 'How Things Happen'
Engaging Constellation with Groups and Organizations
Through cooperative elaboration groups can constellate totally
unexpected associations and meanings around a shared interest or topic
∆ Presentations: illustrations of self-organizing interactivity and the importance of knowing its pervasive effects
∆ Lectures: orientation to ways of modeling dynamic complexities and applying these to your concerns & activities
∆ Workshops: practice constellating self-organizing dynamics in creative, symbolic, psychological, & practical ways
∆ Practices: mind & body exercises to enhance awareness of nonlinear relationships & their multiplications of meaning
∆ Consultation: Guidance on understanding and interacting with dynamic complexity in your specific contexts
> Experience conflict and contradiction as integral aspects of order, creativity, relationships, and development
> Concepts
> Organizations
> Group Processes
> Systems
> People
and this—

and this—

As Ideal States and Sequences to Control
Complex Processes to Engage
Re-Orientation by Collaborative Constellation
Referring to science, myths, psychology, philosophy, and art, I guide you through a—

Plato & Aristotle
1. Collective reflection on the dynamical complexity of your specific issues and endeavors by leading a—
2. Constellating conversation about ‘how these actually happen’ and how best to represent them, thereby creating a—
3. Re-conceived sense of factors, process, meanings, motives, consequences, and options
Constellating shows you more about what you already know and provides you with a new method for working with others
You need more than one way to think about ‘how things happen’
because things happen in more than one way
Think More Realistically—Constellate Your Consciousness
Browse the site or contact me now to discuss how these concepts apply to you
© Leslie Emery 2010. All Rights Reserved
Together we explore how . . .
are like this—


Using Dynamic Constellation, we reconsider how you approach phenomena . . .
For more information on applying Dynamic Constellation see the more info page